
When did chile get its independence
When did chile get its independence

when did chile get its independence when did chile get its independence

They feared that Allende would push Chile into socialism, and therefore lose all of the US investments made in Chile. The revolution in La Serena was led by Pedro Pablo Muñoz, the brothers Antonio and Ignacio Alfonso, and other notable residents of the city, who organized a revolutionary militia of 600 men from La Serena, Ovalle and Illapel. San Martín then led his Argentine and Chilean followers north to liberate Peru and fighting continued in Chile's southern provinces, the bastion of the royalists, until 1826. Where did the Chilean army get their helmets?Ĭhile won its formal independence when San Martín defeated the last large Spanish force on Chilean soil at the Battle of Maipú on Ap.

when did chile get its independence

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When did chile get its independence